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 Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster

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Niall O'Connor
Niall O'Connor

Posts : 303
Join date : 2010-11-09
Age : 33
Location : Soluna

Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 4:13 pm

I was born of a very strong Irish warrior family, but being the youngest and the smallest i was always made to do the chores and not able to fight. Then Ireland went to war and my three older and much stronger yet less intelligent brothers went off to war. That was free reign for my father to show me how much he hated me. He added more and more chores and continued to tell me how small and weak i was. I finally got sick and tired of it so i ran from home. I lived on the streets fighting just to stay alive. I found a group of street kids and began fighting and living with them. My father sent out a group of men to find me and beat me or kill me. Many times my fathers men found me and beat me up and hurt me, but every time i got away. I developed a great friendship with a boy in my group named Anthony. We became closer than brothers, always training and fighting along side each other. we fought through Ireland honing our skills as a warrior and growing. One day my Father and his men found me and attacked. My brothers had come back from war and were with them. I felt betrayed by people i called my family. So I decided to fight them back now. Anthony joined my side and we fought hard and valiantly. Killing most of my fathers men and even two of my brothers. Then i heard a blood curdling scream. as i whipped my head from the direction from which i heard it i saw the worst sight ive ever seen. My oldest and most evil brother, Keagen had stabbed Anthony in the back. I ran to his side in shock. I held my best friend as I felt his blood pour from him. he look me in the eyes and said three last words...."they got me". I went on a rage after my brother Keagen but failed to finish him. Then I looked at my father and spit at him and ran off. I ran to the oceans and sneaked onto a shipping boat traveling to America. In the seas i helped the crew (after being caught and beaten). Helping them build more and more muscle on me and in turn for my work they taught me how to fight more.When we arrived in America I split from my sea mates in search of people more like myself. I traveled far and wide, challenging local warriors to spar with me. Then one day i met a man by the name of Tiberius in the land of Alterra. He spoke to me "Ave warrior welcome to Alterra I am Tiberius" he shook my hand. I could see how the other warriors respected him so i knew he was important, then again all the warriors respected each other. I watched as these warriors fought, seeing that many were the same size I was. That is when I knew this place was were i shall fight and call home. I eventually fell in love with a small human by the name of Atlantia, That is after gaining approval from her unusual brothers. I lived Well there making many friends and training hard. Til one day a small beaten young child came to me. He said weakly, "Help me I come from the land of Soluna where our tyrant king Fairos has turned the people to slaves. He has taken all our food and if we speak a name he has us beaten or even killed."
"What name would that be?" I asked.
"Niall" the boy said with fear.
This infuriated me so I made it my goal to overtake my evil father and return Soluna to its happy ways once again. I began building an army with a man of the name Garth who was sent to me by a life long friend. We trained the warriors hard together. I apprenticed a German man by the name of Friedrich who became like my brother. Finally we were ready to fight my father and his army. The war was long and hard both side lost many men. Garth and I eventually took over my father and brother and banished them from Soluna. As my father left he swore to return and kill Garth and I. Garth then handed me my fathers crown and told me ," This land is yours."
I shook my head and said,"No this land is ours Rule this land with me.....Brother"
He politely nodded in acceptance. I then turned to the young lady i had fallen in love with from Alterra and said,"Be my queen and eternally at my side"
Cheers erupted for this land was ours! I awarded Knighthood to my apprentice along with others who fought valiantly in the war. That is how i became who i am. May Soluna Prosper forever!!
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Posts : 61
Join date : 2010-11-09
Age : 31
Location : Passage of the Brotherhood

Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 4:47 pm

It is fortunate you are alive to lead Soluna, Grandmaster Niall.

We stand resolute. To eternity.
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Niall O'Connor
Niall O'Connor

Posts : 303
Join date : 2010-11-09
Age : 33
Location : Soluna

Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 5:17 pm

Aye but I am lucky to have great warriors and leaders amongs me
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Posts : 61
Join date : 2010-11-09
Age : 31
Location : Passage of the Brotherhood

Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 5:30 pm

Niall O'Connor wrote:
Aye but I am lucky to have great warriors and leaders amongs me

Indeed, my friend.
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Niall O'Connor
Niall O'Connor

Posts : 303
Join date : 2010-11-09
Age : 33
Location : Soluna

Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster EmptyTue Nov 16, 2010 5:33 pm

Together we all can keep Soluna prosper
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Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty
PostSubject: Re: Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster   Niall: Outcast to Grandmaster Empty

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